I hope this will help you make your order more clear. In Epiphone website, for casinos, the M4 comes as a standard. Do not trust the photos and the comments. For the blue denim, in the photos here is shown the bridge with M4 bolts but what I got is a bridge with M8 bolts! Do not order any replacement for the bridge along with the guitar as a future upgrade before your get your guitar and see on your own. SOME Casinos come with a M8 bolts and some with a M4 thread bolts. First find your problem, then start replacing parts.
Regarding the rattle/buzz, yes there is a small vibration caused by probably the wire retainer on the bridge but you should also consider that the pickguard as well will vibrate so just be cautious of that. 2nd and quite important if you are planning to change the TOM bridge. Can be fixed of course, but this is a small design flaw. 1st: The jack is somehow stiff to insert the cable and every time I am afraid that I am applying a force that is not needed.
This particular top had the most grain I've seen - many look really smooth with no grain. Feels very satiny - but nothing like the worn nitro finishes that Gibson does. First Impressions: The Worn finish looks great in person. Personally, I am total satisfied with the sound, the feel and the overall quality of the instrument. Hey Y'all, just got my Epiphone Casino in from Sweetwater. Many complain about the pickups, hardware etc.